Miami Fishing Reports

Sailfishing is Heating Up

Published February 23rd, 2022

After a slower start to the season, the sails have finally started showing up with more consistency off South Florida. 

This past weekend we had 12 bites and caught 8 sails over a 3 day period. This isn't red hot fishing but it's part of an improving trend as we get closer to spring.

The bycatch hasn't been red hot while kite fishing but we have been getting a few mani as well as sharks. The next few months will only get better with the sail fishing improving in consistency. We also hope the bigger kingfish will show up as well as the blacken during April.

Bait has been a bit tough to come by but we've been catching some threadfin herring and cigar minnows which usually get the job done. We also have the option of buying goggle eye which is worth it on most days.

The best bet has been kite fishing for the sails but we've also been catching a few off free jumpers. We've yet to see tailing conditions but this is the time of year where that can change quickly. Keep an eye on the weather and if you see strong north-northeast wind in the forecast following a late season front, March/April is the time of year where we usually get the big tailing events.

tailing sailfish

The sword fishing has continued to stay steady if you get a weather window. On our last outing we managed a 200 pounder along with 3 pomfret.

200 pound swordfish

Miami pomfret

Now is a good time to book if you guys are looking to get out there in March or April. You can check out our availability here or give us a call at 786 505 8950

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