May 23
Fish Species During June in Miami
Fish Species During June in Miami Summer fishing is upon us! We have had a great assortment of fish offshore. Depending on the conditions we have had shots at sailfish, mahi-mahi, kingfish, grouper, blackfin tuna, amberjack, and more. I'll do a quick breakdown of some of the different species we can expect this time of year. I'm going to talk about blackfin tuna, mahi-mahi, and amberjack. Feel free to check out the links for other fish we expect this time of year such as sailfish and kingfish, on our target species page. Blackfin Tuna Fishing Miami One of our favorite fish to target this time of year are blackfin tuna. This time of year, blackfin averaging 20-30lbs migrate along our coast. These fish are most easily targetted in the early morning and afternoon during low light conditions. They prefer feeding on live bait fished off the kite or with light leader on a flat line. We usually catch our tuna while kite fishing in 120-200 feet ...
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Apr 9
Spring Fishing 2018
April and May Fishing Miami I'll be honest, this winter wasn't the best we've had. We averaged a few sailfish per trip and had plenty of good days but it wasn't the season we hoped for. Fortunately, spring is here and the bite has picked up tremendously. Historically, springtime fishing off Miami has always produced. We have had 3 double digit sailfish days during the last month. We caught 12 one day, 10 the other, and 14 on the most recent trip. In addition, we have had nice kingfish around, amberjack, permit, and more. With a nice mixed bag and plenty of sailfish around, we can definitely say that spring is here and it won't disappoint. Sailfishing During 2018 The kite fishing has been very steady since March. We have caught 155 sailfish so far this year out of 75 charters. We have averaged about 2 per trip but have had some stellar days as well. Sailfish are a lot of fun and make a great introductory billfish. They are very photogenic ...
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Dec 1
Winter Fishing for Sailfish, Dolphin, and more
Temperatures have been much more mild ranging from 65-80 degrees. With this cooler weather, many of the fish have moved closer to shore as they migrate to the south. We have been catching sailfish, mahi mahi, kingfish, tuna, grouper, and morel The great thing about fishing during late fall and winter is that we don't travel far to find the fish. We usually end up successful even on shorter half days. most off our fishing is done within 5 miles of shore which isn't a bad commute for a boat that cruises at 20 mph. Kite fishing is the go to method for fishing this time of year. This technique involves live bait, light tackle, and is very hands on. The great thing about kite fishing is you never know what will be your next bite. The sailfish have really shown up but there are also mahi, kings, and more around. This keeps things interesting while live baiting. Winter is always an exciting time of year off Miami. When ...
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Aug 1
Hatteras Renovation- New Boat!
About a year ago I began the search for a new boat. With careful consideration I decided the right boat would be a 43 Hatteras but I needed one that was already repowered. Finding a Hatteras from the 1970s that is still in good shape isn't an easy task. After looking all over Florida and even flying to Texas and New Jersey, I finally found the right boat. Located in WIldwood, New Jersey was my diamond in the rough. The boat was already repowered with Cummins 450c engines which is a modern 6 cylinder engine. In addition, most of the boat was rewired and the interior was in good shape. She seemed like a great boat to refurbish so I pulled the trigger. I bought a boat over 1,000 miles away that needed some work. I knew it would be a long year.
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Jul 24
Summer Fishing on Fire
This summer has been great for mahi and swordfish!
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Sep 22
Fall Fishing in Miami
Stellar Fishing with the Onset of fall September has a reputation for being a slow month of fishing off Miami but I strongly disagree. It can be a great month for mahi mahi offshore. In addition the swordfishing begins to pick up, blackfin tuna begin cruising in 300-1000 feet of water, and kingfish swarm the reefs. The sailfish bite really starts to pick up around September and we also have shots at wahoo, amberjack, snapper, and more. We saw great fishing this past August and September. The mahi fishing wasn't the best we've seen but we did have plenty of good days. We also caught countless blackfin tuna, kingfish, vermillion and yelloweye snapper, some wahoo, swordfish, and more. Epic Week of Early Fall Fishing in Miami This last week in particular was one of the best weeks of fishing I've experienced off Miami and it happened in September of all months. Over the course of 4 trips, we caught 5 swordfish to 150 pounds, an estimated 300 pound blue marlin, a sailfish, over 40 dolphin ...
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May 10
May and June Miami Fishing
May Fishing off Miami Spring of 2016 has been another great season as anticipated and the fishing has continued to stay strong. During April we caught countless sailfish and had quite a few days with big kingfish, mahi, amberjack, cobia, swordfish, wahoo and more. The quantity and quality of fish per trip was definitely pleasing to our customers. We had a lot of multiple hookups, sailfish almost every trip, and packed plenty of meat for our customers to take home on most of the trips. May and June Miami Fishing should be just as good. Spring Fishing during May Although April is behind us, we still have the end of spring and early summer to look forward to. The blackfin tuna showed up in numbers during mid April and we have been catching them almost every trip. The fish have been averaging about 20 pounds but we have caught plenty in the 25-30 pound range and even boated a few over 30 pounds including this 34 pounder below. Blackfin tuna are hard ...
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Mar 25
Spring Fishing off Miami
Fishing Action Heats up in Spring. Hands down, my favorite months to fish Miami's offshore waters are March-May. This season we have seen string numbers of sailfish pushing down the line, good numbers of quality kingfish, the ever present bottom bite, and are just starting to see the springtime Mahi bite that got very good around this time last season. Due to the gulfstreams presence along our continental shelf, the majority of our action happens between 100' -- 220' of water. Although flat lines can and will get bit, the activity behind a 6 line spread of kite baits really draws the most predators to the transom. Aboard the Blue Yonder we do our best to always hang as many kite baits as possible, while accenting the spread with flat lines and bottom lines to make sure as much water as possible is covered. So far this season the number of sailfish migrating down our coast has been impressive. This last month we have been averaging around 3 sailfish per trip, withmany more ...
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Jan 6
Miami Winter Fishing
Sailfish Are Here- Miami Winter Fishing We live in a special place. Winter in Miami is not like the same as the rest of the country. "Cold fronts" merely drop the temperatures into the 60s and give way to sunny skies and great fishing. With the Gulf Stream keeping water temperatures well above 70 degrees during even the coldest months, our fishing stays consistent year round. With each passing cold front, more and more fish are pushed south along our coast giving way to excellent fishing and a great opportunity for our northern neighbors to escape the cold should they take a trip down here. This season has been great so far and winter of 2016 should continue to produce like all the years prior. December Fishing is definitely a consistent time of year. Kite Fishing During Winter During summer and fall we typically find ourselves using a variety of techniques to adapt to changing conditions. During a single charter we might troll, bottom fish, sight fish, and ...
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Aug 14
Summer Fishing in Miami
Summer Fishing in Miami- Epic Mahi Bite July and August is a great time of year off Miami. Calm weather coupled with great dolphin fishing makes it an awesome time to get out on the water. Dolphin (mahi mahi) are awesome gamefish for all anglers. They are strong, tasty, ravenous, and often plentiful. As far as dolphin fishing is concerned, the last few months have been as good as it gets. Big Bull Dolphin caught during July. This is one of many we caught this size during the last few months. Big Bull Dolphin caught during July. This is one of many we caught this size during the last few months. Dolphin are schooling fish that congregate near structure in the deep, open ocean. On a typical day of dolphin fishing. we usually catch bait before heading offshore into water that is over 1000 feet deep. We usually set a trolling spread of 5 or more baits and begin covering water. We use binoculars to spot birds, floating debris, seaweed, or any ...
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Aug 14
The Captain's Dilemma
Backing into the slip with a rigger full of release flags and a box full of fish is the best feeling in the world. We bust our asses every trip to put our clients on fish so we can relive this feeling. We are very competitive and it bothers us to know that someone else came back to the dock with more fish. As professional fishermen, we should be one of the top boats on each given day. Reminiscing about an epic trip is usually short lived. When we wake up each morning, yesterday's catch is only relevant in the context of how it will influence today's fishing. Regardless of what we've been catching, each new group steps onto the boat with high expectations. To keep them happy we have to fill the box every day, regardless of the conditions. Mother nature constantly conspires against us. We don't step foot into a stable work environment each morning. Our office is influenced by a number of factors. ...
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Aug 14
Spring Fishing Recap
Spring Fishing Recap- April May and June We've run over 100 charters since our last report and it is safe to say that plenty of fish were caught. We were caught up in peak season working almost every day but things are finally settling down. Between fishing and boat maintenance, we definitely had our hands full. It's August while I'm writing this so I'm going to break everything down in 2 reports. This one will be a recap of spring and the following will detail some of the trips from this summer. April, May, and June were great months as usual. We caught plenty of mahi, amberjack, grouper, blackfin, sailfish, cobia, wahoo, swordfish and more. I'll post a few of our more impressive catches so we can catch up. This 47 pound bull dolphin ate a kite bait on May 4th. After an hour fight on 20 pound line we managed to get him to the boat. This was probably the coolest fish we caught this spring and ...
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Mar 13
April Fishing in Miami
Spring is Here! If I had to choose 2 months to fish in South Florida it would be March and April. The springtime migrations are in full spring and the weather averages about 80 degrees. In addition, steady east winds push the Gulf Stream in close making for consistent fishing. A typical day during spring with a nice mixed bag of sailfish, dolphin, and amberjack Fishing in Miami during March March has been great so far with a mixed bag of species and consistent action while kitefishing. We have been averaging 2-4 shots at sailfish per trip and have had multiple days with 5 or more shots. The great thing about targeting sailfish is that we use light tackle and live bait to target these fish. This puts us in a position to catch plenty of other species including dolphin, wahoo, kingfish, blackfin tuna, cobia, and more. We have been averaging 5-10 dolphin fish per trip and have had several trips where we catch over 20 while kitefishing. In addition, we have had ...
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Jan 15
December Fishing Reports Miami
Winter Fishing Report in Miami With frigid temperatures across much of the US, charters really pick up beginning in December. We have been very busy during the last few months so we haven't had much time to report. The fishing has been good and it has been a pretty mellow winter down here in Miami. Fall was actually chilly by our standards but the cold fronts were few and far between during most of December and now January. Light winds and a high temperature near 80 degrees on most days has made fishing very comfortable. We have been catching countless species from sailfish to golden tile fish offshore and snook and redfish inshore. One of the many sails to be had this winter Great Fishing all Winter Long Offshore- The fishing has been consistent offshore. Grouper season closed at midnight on December 31st but tile fish opened the next day. We don't mind the trade off because tilefish are equally delicious and fun to catch. The picture below is ...
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Nov 3
Mullet Run Fishing Techniques
The Mullet Run The north winds and dry air that follow the first few cold fronts each fall put an end to summer year after year. During October and November, Mother Nature tends to have schizophrenic tendencies. One day it might be in the mid 80s but the next might dip into the 50s. Yes, 50-degree weather might not sound cold to most of the country but to us Miamians, it is reason for concern. Fall means it is time to dig up the hoodies and jeans because winter is right around the corner. What does this mean for the fish? Most of the fish that inhabit our waters are to some extent migratory. Traditional pelagic species such as swordfish, sailfish, and mahi-mahi aren’t the only fish that move around. Squid engage in vertical migrations each as they rise and fall through the water column without ever seeing the light of day. Snapper and other bottom dwellers might sneak into shallower waters with dropping temperatures. Pinfish might abandon ...
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Nov 3
Miami Daytime Swordfishing Charters
Fall Swordfish Action Miami Daytime Swordfishing Charters Daytime Swordfishing Aboard the Blue Yonder Our Miami daytime swordfishing charters offer both electric and manual methods of getting hooked up to big broad bill swordfish. Since September we've experienced a consistent run of calm fishing days coupled with multiple swordfish bites as Fall took full effect. Over the course of four trips we were fortunate enough to have produced 7 bites which were all eventually brought to the boat. The onset of Fall signals many different migrations in South Florida, including a push of larger swordfish. While some individuals are still tried and true night time diehards, we have focused our efforts on capturing the elusive broad-bills where they hunt during the day. Our daytime fishery is easier and more comfortable to access, less wear on our passengers, and offers clearer shots of big fish in great visibility. We usually fish in depths reaching 1500'-1900' and employ a single bait on the bottom. Atleast 12lbs of lead is considered standard, and more ...
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Sep 3
Summer Swordfishing in Miami
Late Summer Fishing Report Deep Sea Fishing Late summer always brings about shifting conditions that can make the fishing a bit difficult to forecast. If the current and wind align, you may have a chance at catching a sailfish on the edge, with kingfish, snapper, sharks, and big amberjacks not out of the question. If the wind settles and the current moves out deep, then dolphin are usually our go to option. Every so often though a group of anglers will decide they want to try to catch something different. Something larger. If they're up for the challenge, then well head east towards the contours lying in 1550-2000' where the swordfish congregate. Summer swordfishing in Miami isn't easy, but when everything lines up, the results can be very rewarding. Miami Swordfishing Swordfish are some of the biggest and baddest predators swimming offshore our coast. By day these fish swim near the bottom in over 1600' of water, and at night they rise to the surface to feed. With the ...
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Jul 14
Catching Dolphin in Miami
Summertime Fishing Report Offshore Fishing- Dolphin (mahi/dorado) are caught year round off Miami. During winter and spring however, these fish are typically bycatch. Summertime in Miami involves a completely different type of fishing. Calm winds and warm weather leads to changes in migrations and behavior of fish locally. From mid June-September we typically stow the kites and switch gears into mahi mode. We typically take advantage of the calm seas while covering ground and looking for schools of fish under birds as well as floating debris. Catching dolphin in Miami is a ton of fun for anglers of all skill levels. As expected, the mahi fishing has been steady since June offshore. The fish have been traveling in big schools. While many of the fish have been shorts (under the legal 20'' minimum), there have still been plenty of keepers around. In addition, the wreck fishing has been good with almaco jacks and amberjack to 50 pounds. Most of our bites have been on deep wrecks with big baits. We ...
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May 27
Kite Fishing for Tuna in Miami
Spring Fishing Report 5/27 It’s been quite a while since the last report but here it is. As usual spring never fails to impress. April and May are two of my favorite times of year to fish off Miami as we catch a variety of species and sometimes put up impressive numbers. We kite fished the last few months and had some memorable charters. Kite fishing for tuna in Miami is a springtime phenomena that never fails to disappoint. Catching blackfin tuna from 20-30lbs on light tackle and enjoying tuna steaks and fresh sushi after the charter never gets old. The tuna fishing stayed productive all throughout May with sailfish and more mixed in. We also caught cobia, mutton snapper, mahi, kings, and more. On the flats we crushed the seatrout with the novice anglers and had shots at permit, mutton snapper, and bonefish during a few sight fishing trips. A quick recap: On April 4th we caught 3 Spotted Seatrout to 21’’ on ultralight tackle and fly ...
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Mar 27
Kite Fishing in Miami
Springtime Fishing Report Hands down the most effective way to present multiple live baits for offshore big game fish in South Florida is by using a fishing kite. Kite Fishing in Miami is a surefire method of attracting the attention of virtually every predatory species down here. Sailfish, Blackfin Tuna, Dolphin (mahi mahi), Kingfish, Wahoo, Cobia, Grouper, Snapper, and many more all go bananas for the distressed vibrations of bait fish presented right on the surface. By using two properly weighted and tuned kites, fisherman are capable of presenting 6 frisky live baits on the surface, with 8 not out of the question (if you're brave enough). Deep Sea Fishing Aboard the Blue Yonder Kite Fishing Tackle When presented properly very little terminal tackle is visible in the water, meaning anglers can use whatever tackle they desire. Our approach (as is standard in the industry) is to use 6 high speed conventional reels backed with 500 yards of Bullbuster Braid, and then filled to the brim with 20lb Kitevis monofilament. These reels are ...
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