Aug 2
Daytime Swordfishing Equipment
Revolutionizing the Technique Just because we discovered that swordfish can be targeted during the day doesn’t mean it is an easy task. Daytime swordfishing involves the presentation of a bait 1,000-2,000 feet below the surface. In most regions, this includes a wall of current you have to penetrate if you hope to get into the strike zone. With the advent of new equipment, specifically, super braid and modern electric reels, came the advancement of daytime swordfishing as we know it. Braided line has impressive breaking strength and narrow diameter which allows it to cut through the water column and makes fishing these depths much more tangible. Electric reels allow you to retrieve your bait quickly with up to 12 lbs of lead which is a necessity, not a luxury when you are looking to efficiently work the strike zone. Getting Started with Daytime Swordfishing If you are looking to get started with daytime swordfishing, it’s important to understand that this is one of the most ...
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Jun 22
Update to Dolphin Bag Limit
June 21, 2021 After much discussion by the Council, the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Office has reached a preliminary consensus about upcoming changes to management measures affecting our Dolphin fishery. These actions, if approved, will go into effect on January 1, 2022. These steps are being taken in response to the universal concern expressed by both charter and recreational fishermen in the Florida Keys and South Florida. The overall consensus seems to support a decline in the dolphin fishery affecting both size and quantity of the fish being caught. While boats in South Florida supported the change, fishermen in the Carolinas opposed a decrease in the 60 fish per vessel limit by citing potential negative economic impacts. They also claim that dolphin meat is “too damn good.” Our team has carefully discussed this internally and after hundreds of hours of deliberation we have decided that a 60-fish limit may in fact be excessive. Our new proposal will strike a healthy medium so everyone is happy. We will be reducing the bag ...
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Jun 17
Avet EX 50W Reviews
After 10 years of abuse, this is the only reel on the boat I haven't sent in for service. We have used these reels commercially for about 10 years of charter service and really beat them up. We have used them for wreck fishing (15-30lbs of drag) shark fishing (20-30lbs of drag) and planer fishing (10-15lbs of drag for days at a time). They still operate like they are new. Avet 50W Lever Drag Reels Specs Body Material: Aluminum Max Drag (lbs): 57 Line Capacity Braid (yds/lb): 1380/80 • 1240/100 • 850/130 Weight (oz): 63 Bearings: 8 Gear Ratio: 3.2:1 / 1.3:1 Line Capacity Mono (yds/lb): 500/60 • 370/80 • 290/100 Line Retrieve Per Crank (in): 37" H / 15" L Spool Material: Aluminum Handle Shape: Oversized rubber ergonomic knob Avet Reel Company Information Avet reels are actually made in the US which REALLY sets them apart from their competitors. This may explain why they actually last and the handles don't literally fall off after 6 months like our Penn Internationals. According to their website, Avet reels are designed, machined, and assembled in ...
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Jun 17
Cummins 450C Diamond Series Review
The Cummins 6CTA 8.3 is arguably one of the best mechanical marine engines ever made. They have a variety of horsepower ratings with the most popular being the “450 Diamond.” This inline, 6-cylinder motor was released in the late 90s and is still a popular motor to this day. The liners allow for an easy rebuild in frame (leave the engine in the boat). Properly maintained, this engine can have a lifespan of 8000-15,000+ hours and the rebuild costs are marginal compared to some alternative brands. This makes the cost of ownership exceptional for this motor. The 450C is actually 430 BHP and is rated to 2600 rpm. It’s important to have your boat propped correctly and the motors should do at least 2650 RPM at wide open throttle. This is important because if you overload the engine, there is excess heat and stress on the cylinder head (valves in particular). If you drop a valve, the metal can score a cylinder and take out the turbo on it’s way out. This ...
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Jun 17
Fishing Charters in the Florida Keys
Just south of Miami you'll find a series of barrier islands that begin with Key Largo and run about 100 miles to Key West. Sandwiched between the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straights, this area serves up a unique fishery with an abundance of opportunities both inshore and offshore. Bottom Fishing in the Floria Keys Ok, I'll give it to them. The bottom fishing is better in the Keys, especially in Key West. Key West and the Dry Tortugas specifically host some of the best bottom fishing in the world. Mutton snapper, red snapper, black grouper, and red grouper are some of the many species they target in this area. Fishing for Pelagics in the Florida Keys Fishing for pelagics (migratory species such as sailfish, tuna, kingfish, etc) can be good in the Keys but I would argue the fishing is just as good in Miami. Sailfishing, in particular, is definitely better in Miami as we have more consistent north current. We fish the same stock for ...
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Jun 16
Summertime Dolphin are Here!
Summertime dolphin fishing is beginning to ramp up and should continue through September. This time of year there is a dramatic shift as we transition from kite fishing for sails, kings, and tuna to sight fishing and trolling for dolphin. Early Season Dolphin Fishing June is a great time for early season kite fishing. On calm days this time of year, we spend a lot of our time looking for rips, weed lines, and other floating structure. This can be exciting fishing because when we do find the fish, its usually larger schools of dolphin where double, triple, and quadruple hookups are common. We typically shift from trolling to live baiting when we find a school. Late Season Kite Fishing Just because the dolphin are showing up doesn't mean we have abandoned the edge entirely. When the current pushes onto the reef and the wind picks up, we are always ready and willing to kite fish even during summer. We don't typically expect the same type of action ...
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Jun 16
Chub Cay Fishing Charters
Chub Cay is an absolute paradise of The Bahamas. It hosts legendary diving and sportfishing year round with spring being peak time to target billfish and summer being ideal for dolphin and assorted bottom fish. The Berry Islands and Chub Cay border "The Tongue of the Ocean" that hosts some of the deepest waters in the region. A few notable places to fish in the area include "The Pocket" and "The Joulters." Fishing in the Pocket About 130 miles east southeast of Miami you'll find the pocket. This is arguably the best place in the world to catch a grand slam (3 or more species of billfish in one trip). Late through early May is the best time to fish for billfish in the pocket, particurarly when there is a southeast wind. Sailfish, white marlin, blue marlin, and more are all possibilities during this time of year. Fishing in the Joulters South of Chub, you'll find the Joulters and their accompanying underwater ...
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Jun 16
SFE Kite Reviews
Product- SFE Kites Rating- 5 Stars Material- Polyester blend fabric, carbon fiber spars We consider SFE Kites to be the most durable and versatile brand of fishing kite on the water. Kite fishing is a highly effective technique that essentially uses kites as an outrigger (or up-rigger) to suspend baits on the surface. The technique has been revolutionized in the last 20 years, especially off Miami and has become a staple for the local tournament fishermen and charter captains. SFE Kite Models SFE Makes a variety of different kites for varying wind conditions. We have 3-4 of every model so we can have redundancy during all wind conditions and sea-states. SFE Extra Light Wind Fishing Kite (5-15 knots) This kite is 38'' x 38'' which is actually the largest kite they make. The extra square-footage allows for more lift in lighter wind conditions. This is actually an awesome kite because it flies in as low as 5-8 knots but it can withstand gusts as high as 15-18 knots. This range ...
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Jun 14
Miami Fishing Charter Lodging
When people think of Miami, sunny Miami Beach is the first to come to mind. Sure, you can’t go wrong with a few days laying on the beach. To really appreciate what Miami has to offer however, we encourage you to look beyond South Beach. Miami has a number of different locations in Dade County that are all excellent options depending on your preference. The primary locations you can stay in Miami and their locations to us are as follows: Miami Beach- 22 Min, 13 Miles Key Biscayne- 18 Min, 9.2 Miles Downtown Miami- 11 Min, 5.4 Miles Brickell- 11 Min, 3.8 Miles Coconut Grove- 0 Mins Staying on Miami Beach Just 22 minutes from our location in Coconut Grove, Miami Beach is a popular option for our guests. With too many hotels to count and an abundance of activities for the family, this is a great option. Miami Beach has some pros and cons depending on your preference. Most hotels have a resort feel but you will also see resort prices. This is without a doubt ...
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Jun 12
How Much is a Fishing Charter in Miami?
Deep Sea Rates- Half Day Offshore- $1250 3/4 Day Offshore- $1650 Full Day Offshore- $2100 Extended Full Day- $2500 Swordfish Charter- $2700 Inshore Rates- Half Day Inshore- $800 Full Day Inshore- $1000 How Much Does a Fishing Charter Cost and Why? This is a fair question and one that I’ve had come up many times over the years. It’s a pretty straightforward question and I’m going to give the most straightforward answer I can. Charters are an expensive activity and for good reason. Anyone who has ever owned a boat usually understands where these rates come from and I’ll do my best to break them down below. How Much Does A Boat Like Ours Cost? I put about $300,000 into this build in 2017 and yet, the boat is only worth about $150,000 today. I spent a year working on the boat and we did as much as we could ourselves to save money and get the job done right. If we were to have taken the boat to a yard and requested ...
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May 21
Fishing in Bimini, Bahamas
Run 50 miles east from Miami and you'll find yourself in the territorial waters of the Bahamas. Bimini is the closest Bahamian island to South Florida and it has a rich history of sportfishing. Bimini has great bottom fishing for yellowtail snapper, grouper, mutton snapper, and more. There are no shortage of pelagics either with a great wahoo bite during the winter, excellent mahi fishing during summer, and billfish year round. One fish in particular, however, thrust Bimini into the international spotlight for sportfishing: giant bluefin tuna. Bluefin Tuna Fishin in Bimini Giant bluefin tuna make an annual migration to the Gulf where they spawn during late spring/early summer. On their way back north, they ride the current of the Gulf Stream which takes them right past Bimini. The sharp drop off near Cat Cay in particular is met by a shallow reef and sandy stretch of bottom. The Gulf Stream slams this section of water which pushes large pelagics close to the beach. When the conditions line ...
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May 21
Black Gold
It’s a hot summer day off Miami. The sundial shows half past 12 and the fish box is empty. Our customers are drenched in sweat and complaining about the broken a/c and the lack of fish. I keep reassuring them it’ll all be worth it. I’ve been through this before and I always find the fish. We spent the entire morning trolling east with a spread of feathers, ballyhoo combos, and daisy chains. There was a bit of chatter on the radio with a few dolphin being caught but reports were few and far between. Moral was low but i kept thinking to myself, “this isn’t amateur hour. I’m a winner, we’re going to find fish and show these customers who’s boss.” I was in the middle of a conversation with myself when I hear Kristjan yell at the top of his lungs, “Big floater!” He slammed the binoculars down, pushed ...
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Mar 12
Tuna, Kings, Mahi, Sails, and More- Spring Fishing Miami
Spring is without a doubt my favorite time of year. The quality, quantity, and diversity of gamefish in our waters from March-June is difficult to beat. This is a stellar time of year that is usually met with mild weather, good current, and great fishing. Blackfin Tuna Fishing During April and May Blackfin tuna aren't as big as some of their relatives but they are brutal fighters, especially on light tackle. Our springtime run of blackfin tuna peaks during May but can be excellent from April-June. These butterballs average 15-25 lbs but we frequently catch them in excess of 30 lbs this time of year. Bigger blackfin tuna are best targeted while kite fishing because the baits have a stealthy presentation. Larger tuna have a difficult time passing up a frisky live bait on the surface. Blackfin tuna have sushi grade meat and we're more than happy to clean them up after the trip. Although exceptionally rare, we also have our best shot at yellowfin and bluefin ...
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Jan 13
Wintertime Fishing for Billfish
Winter is an awesome time of year to knock a billfish off your bucket list. With each front that moves through, bait and predators are pushed to the south along our coast. With the Gulf Stream only a few miles offshore, the water temperatures remain in the 70s with even the coldest fronts that move through. The abundance of wrecks, reefs, and the mixing of waters between Biscayne Bay and the edge of the Gulf Stream makes Miami a prime habitat for a variety of baitfish including ballyhoo, threadfin herring, sardines, pilcjards, cigar minnows, goggle eye, and more. Our sprawling bait fishery fuels the kite fishing industry off South Florida and keeps predators in the area well fed. Convenient Fishing for Sails and More Most of our fishing during winter takes place about 3-5 miles offshore which makes Miami a great spot to quickly venture out for a half or 3/4 day trip. These trips can be quite successful, especially for sails from now through May. In addition to sailfish, ...
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Oct 23
Deep Sea Fishing during Winter
Winter is right around the corner! Fortunately, as the weather cools off, the fishing heats up off Miami. Right now is a great time to book your trip for December or January. Does Miami Have Good Fishing During Winter? Winter means different things in different places. Throughout most of the United States, winter can bring an end to their sport-fishing seasons as cooler weather shuts down most of the fishing. Luckily, Miami is a resilient fishery with plenty of options year round. The Gulf Stream is our best friend during winter because water temperatures stay in the 70s or above even on the coldest days. Most of the larger pelagic species that are caught in the northern Gulf of Mexico or along the Eastern Seaboard actually migrate our way as things cool off. These fronts push down bait and predators with South Florida being prime real estate during the colder months. Sailfish, kingfish, wahoo, swordfish, tuna, and more welcome visitors during the colder months. We are already ...
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Oct 23
Bottom Fishing in Miami
"Bottom fishing" off is a broad term we use to describe fishing a bait on or near the bottom. Bottom fishing can be done using a variety of methods including wreck fishing, anchoring and chumming, drift fishing, deep dropping, and more. Anchoring is a great technique for targeting yellowtail and mangrove snapper, wreck fishing is best if you're looking for bigger aggressive bottom fish, and drifting can be effective for just about anything. Below we'll outline our top 5 favorite bottom fish, where we catch them, and how. Number 5- Amberjack Amberjack are not the most glorious bottom fish but they are definitely the hardest fighting. Amberjack will test the strength of your arms and tackle and can be effectively targeted using live bait and vertical jigs. These fish are often referred to as reef donkeys because of their stubborn fighting as they never seem to give up. They prefer inhabiting deep water structure such as wrecks and reefs in 150-400 feet of water but ...
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Sep 18
Deep Sea Fishing Report Miami
Fall is pretty much here and the fishing has been very consistent offshore. We’ve been catching a mixed bag of dolphin, kingfish, wahoo, and more with ¾ or full day trips yielding the most success. September is nearing it’s end and the next month will be a bit of a transition as more bait moves into our area igniting better fishing along the edge. October is a very underrated month off of Miami. It’s usually a slow time of year but not because of the fishing. Kids are back in school, and people start making holiday plans during fall which can put a damper in their immediate travel plans. Regardless, October is usually met with great fishing and light crowds when we do make it out there. Dolphin Fishing During October The dolphin fishing is usually pretty good in October with the average fish ranging in the 10+ lb range which is slightly bigger than the schoolies we catch during summer. In addition, ...
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Aug 26
Goliath Grouper off Miami
The last few years have seen a late run of dolphin that seems to peak in August and this season was no different. Dolphin are usually swarming during June and July but the last few years have seen a better push of fish later in the season. Dolphin are highly migratory so it's hard for us to put our finger on when or why they'll migrate through but we're grateful for the solid late season fishing and weather we've been enjoying lately. On full day trips we have been averaging 10-20 dolphin per trip and have had a few days where we catch our limit. It hasn't been spectacular but this is enough to really fill the box with meat.The clients below drove down from Sarasota with 3 coolers so they were definitely grateful for their haul. Wreck Fishing During Summer In addition to dolphin, we have had some decent wreck fishing as of late. We have been catching some nice amberjack, almaco jacks, ...
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Jul 13
Blue Marlin off Miami
I really wonder how the Miami baseball franchise previously known as the Florida Marlins ever came to be. It's clear the founders had little to no fishing experience off Miami because quite honestly, our marlin fishing sucks. Don't get me wrong, we catch HUNDREDS of billfish each year. We have a thriving sailfish fishery during fall, winter, and spring. In addition, we can catch swordfish year round. Marlin however, have always been, and will always be a rarity. Summertime Miami Mahi Fishing If we named our baseball team the Miami Mahi or South Florida Sailfish, I would understand. We do catch a pile of dolphin during the summer and sailfish during 9 months of the year. This summer hasn't had a wide open mahi mahi (dolphin bite) but we have caught consistent numbers of fish on 3/4 and full days. The only issue is that many of the fish have been on the smaller side. Either way we've been taking home dinner on almost every trip. In ...
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May 24
Blackfin Tuna Fishing Basics
This article discusses the basics of blackfin tuna fishing. Understanding factors such as location, bait selection and fishing tactics will determine the success of an angler. Learn what to fish, where and how in this how-to article.
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